
github-actions injection eval-js


By design, the inputs pr-close-message and issue-close-message are interpolated into a JavaScript template string that is evaluated to render the message template. If the workflow interpolates user input from a GitHub Actions expression into the message, it may be possible to escape out of the template string or add additional JavaScript expressions (ie: ${...}).

- name: Autoclose issues
  uses: roots/issue-closer@v1.1
    repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    issue-close-message: |
      @${issue.user.login} your issue "${{ github.event.issue.title }}" was automatically closed because it did not follow the issue template
    issue-pattern: ".*guidelines for Contributing.*"
    pr-pattern: ".*guidelines for Contributing.*"
    pr-close-message: |
      @${issue.user.login} your PR "${{ github.event.issue.title }}" was automatically closed because it did not follow the issue template